Our Philosophy

Structured Investing

Standing against the noise and product-driven focus that characterizes so much of Wall Street today, CPG has adopted a specialized and prudent investment philosophy known as Structured Investing. Based on Nobel Prize-winning economic research, CPG's Structured Investing investment philosophy offers a fundamental way of looking at markets and thinking about economics and human behavior.  It is:

  • Guided by 80+ years of academic and behavorial research
  • Grounded in vast global diversification
  • Engineered, monitored and managed with strict discipline

Financial science over the past 50 years has led to a powerful understanding of the investment risks worth taking and that those that are not.  By using the research available to us, CPG believes that investing is largely a matter of identifying the risks that are potentially rewarded and choosing the degree of these risks to take.

Long-Term Commitment

The Creative Planners Group provides objective, highly personalized service.  CPG is committed to the principle that every recommendation it makes must be in a client's best interest.  This sense of responsibility and of putting clients first is shared by Leonard Sander and his sons, Michael and Ben.  Together, they represent more than 40 years of experience in wealth management.

"There is continuity at this firm that helps us get to know our clients intimately," Lenny says.  "They are like an extended family, and they know this firm is going to be here for a long time."